Predictions of lap times for Segalas, Don at for

Combined Percentage Spread:    Competitor Choices:

Track Competitor Racer Competitor at Sebring Combined Percentage Prediction
Name Class Best Sprint Lap Class Record % of Record Class Best Sprint Lap Class Record % of Record Best Sprint Lap Class Record % of Record
Daytona JOHN FRANK GT3 2:01.174 1:55.345 95.2 GT3 2:10.102 1:55.345 88.7 2:15.105 2:13.961 99.2 83.7 2:25.059
Daytona JOHN FRANK GT3 2:00.178 1:55.345 96.0 GT3 2:12.164 1:55.345 87.3 2:15.105 2:13.961 99.2 83.1 2:28.580
Average 2:26.820